유럽연합에서 MDR과 IVDR하에서 borderline에 있는 제품의 적용여부와 관련된 문서 개정하여 배포하였다.
▶ 개정일자: 2023년 09월 27일
▶ Version. 3
▶ MDR borderlines: medical devices and IVDs
medical devices and medicinal products, including advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs)
medical devices and biocides
medical devices and substances of human origin
medical devices and cosmetic products
medical devices and food
medical devices and personal protective equipment
medical devices and general consumer products
other medical device borderlines
▶ IVDR borderlines: IVDs and medical devices
IVDs and general laboratory equipment
other IVD borderlines
Manual on Borderline and Classification in the Community Regulatory Framework for Medical Devices (September 2023)
Manual on Borderline and Classification in the Community Regulatory Framework for Medical Devices (September 2023)