Emergo에서 아래와 같이 웨비나를 개최한다.
▶ 주제: Determining when to utilize the pre-submissions Q-submission (Pre-Sub) Process
▶ 일시: 2025년 02월 12일 CST 9시 (한국시간: 02월 13일 00시)
In many cases, a manufacturer must submit a marketing submission (such as a 510(k)) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and have it authorized before they can start selling that device in the U.S. But what if a manufacturer has questions about what the U.S. FDA will expect to substantiate the safety and effectiveness of the device? A Pre-Submission Q-Submission (Pre-Sub) is an opportunity to interact with the FDA to obtain its feedback.
Pre-Subs may be utilized to confirm testing requirements, clinical trial design expectations, real-world evidence evaluation for the expansion of indications for use and for other purposes. We at Emergo by UL will share practical information intended to equip manufacturers with how to determine when a Pre-Sub is best utilized and how to optimize a Pre-Sub, enabling the FDA to provide actionable feedback.
Determining when to utilize the Pre-Submissions Q-Submission (Pre-Sub) Process | Emergo by UL
Determining when to utilize the Pre-Submissions Q-Submission (Pre-Sub) Process
Optimize your FDA Pre-Sub process and know when to use the Pre-Sub option for better regulatory outcomes.
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