
510(k) 8

[Emergo, UL] Webinar: Determining when to utilize the Pre-Submissions Q-Submission (Pre-Sub) Process

Emergo에서 아래와 같이 웨비나를 개최한다.​▶ 주제: Determining when to utilize the pre-submissions Q-submission (Pre-Sub) Process▶ 일시: 2025년 02월 12일 CST 9시 (한국시간: 02월 13일 00시) In many cases, a manufacturer must submit a marketing submission (such as a 510(k)) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and have it authorized before they can start selling that device in the U.S. But what if a manufacturer has q..

[US, FDA] Orthopedic Non-Spinal Bone Plates, Screws, and Washers - Premarket Notification (510(k)) Submissions

This guidance document provides the FDA’s recommendations on information to support premarket submissions for orthopedic non-spinal bone plates, screws, and washers. The recommendations reflect current review practices and are intended to promote consistency and facilitate efficient review of orthopedic non-spinal bone plate, screw, and washer submissions.  Orthopedic Non-Spinal Bone Plates, Scr..

미국 FDA 2024.11.27

[Emergo, UL] U.S. FDA Cites Two Medical Device Test Labs Regarding Data Quality and Integrity Concerns

BackgroundMedical device manufacturers must conduct appropriate testing to demonstrate that their devices are appropriately safe and effective before sale in the US. In many cases some animal and/or microorganism testing, such as to demonstrate biocompatibility, is required to obtain U.S market authorization.In February 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) noted concern that some th..

뉴스 보고서 2024.09.27

[FDA] Submission and Review of Sterility Information in Premarket Notification (510(k)) Submissions for Devices Labeled as Sterile

This guidance document updates and clarifies the information regarding sterilization processes that we recommend sponsors include in 510(k)s for devices labeled as sterile. This guidance document also provides details about the pyrogenicity information that we recommend sponsors include in a 510(k) submission. For the current edition of the FDA-recognized standards referenced in this document, s..

미국 FDA 2024.01.12

[FDA] Guidance - Enforcement policy for non-invasive remote monitoring devices used to support patient monitoring

[요약] 코로나때 긴급하게 사용되었던 원격모니터링 장비/기기에 대한 FDA 정책 변화를 가이던스로 발표하였다. FDA is issuing this guidance to provide clarification on its enforcement policies and premarket review expectations for certain non-invasive remote monitoring used for patient monitoring at the conclusion of the COVID-19 public health emergency. FDA believes the policy set forth in this guidance may help FDA and other stakeholders tra..

미국 FDA 2023.10.21

[FDA] Electronic submission template for medical device 510(k) submissions

미 FDA에서 510(k) 허가를 위한 서류 제출방식 가이던스를 발간하였다. ▶ 적용시점 FDA is identifying October 1, 2023 as the date on which the 510(k) electronic submission requirements will take effect. ▶ Scope This guidance describes the technical standards associated with preparation of the electronic submission template for 510(k)s that enable submission of the 510(k) electronic submission solely in electronic format. The el..

미국 FDA 2023.10.05

[FDA] Cybersecurity in medical devices: Quality system considerations and content of premarket submissions

▶ FDA에서 의료기기 사이버보안과 관련된 가이드라인을 발표함 ▶ 적용해야 되는 인허가 프로세스: 510(k), De Novo, PMA, PDP, IDE, HDE, BLA, IND ▶ 적용제품: Software, Hardware and firmware ▶ 생산 전, 생산 후 단계를 고려하여 품질경영시스템 (QSR)에도 반영 되어야 함 ▶ 인허가를 위해 필요한 서류와 점검 단계를 설명 Cybersecurity in Medical Devices: Quality System Considerations and Content of Premarket Submissions | FDA Cybersecurity: Quality System Considerations and Premarket Submissions This..

미국 FDA 2023.10.04