
AR 3

[Emergo, UL] Dutch Regulators Issue Report on AR Compliance with MDR, IVDR

A recent round of inspections by the Dutch Health and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) has found that more than one-third of European Authorized Representatives (ARs) operating in the Netherlands have yet to meet all requirements applicable under the European Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR). European Authorized Representatives under supervisionE..

뉴스 보고서 2024.06.11

[FDA] VR, AR 의료기기 고려사항 (질문사항)

FDA에서 AR (Augmented Reality)와 VR (Virtual Reality) 기술을 이용한 의료기기에 대한 고려 (또는 질문)사항을 정리 환자, 의료 관계자를 나누어 이점과 위험과 관련된 정보를 제공 Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Medical Devices: Questions to Consider | FDA Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Devices: Questions to Consider Medical extended reality (XR) has the potential to improve your health care. XR devices deliver new types of treatments and to..

미국 FDA 2023.09.04