
Class III 3

[UL, Emergo] Health Canada: Clinical Information on Medical Devices Now Publicly Available

The medical device regulator in Canada, Health Canada (HC), has now made the clinical information provided in support of an application public and it can be accessed via HC’s portal. This may include the following information but not limited to the clinical summary, clinical data study protocols and reports, literature studies and Clinical Evaluation Reports.  Health Canada: Clinical Information..

뉴스 보고서 2024.12.26

[US, FDA] Transitional Enforcement Policy for Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Facility Changes for Class III Devices

FDA is issuing this guidance to communicate its policy regarding sterilization site changes for ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilized PMA and HDE devices in situations where those devices are affected by the potential, actual, or temporary operation reductions at sterilization facilities that may affect the availability of those sterile medical devices. FDA does not intend to object to sterilization o..

미국 FDA 2024.12.10

[EU, MDR] Flowchart to assist in deciding whether or not a device is covered by the extended MDR transitional period

MDR 전환기간 동안 대상제품의 유럽시장 판매, 서비스 가능여부를 판단할 수 있는 흐름도 대상제품: Legacy device, Class III custom-made implantable devices 근거: Article 120 MDR, as ameded by Regulation 2023/607 Flowchart to assist in deciding whether or not a device is covered by the extended MDR transitional period (europa.eu) Flowchart to assist in deciding whether or not a device is covered by the extended MDR transitional period Flowc..

유럽 MDR, IVDR 2023.08.27