
Regulatory 15

[Emergo, UL] Hong Kong Regulatory Updates: Additional Leveraged Country Authorizations and a Digital Platform

The Hong Kong (HK) medical device regulatory systemMedical device makers who want to access the Hong Kong market must be aware of the latest regulatory requirements in this special administrative region of China. New developments in Hong Kong’s medical device market include additional leveraged country authorizations and a new digital platform.The HK Medical Device Division (MDD) and the Medic..

뉴스 보고서 2024.05.03

[Emergo, UL] Brazil ANVISA Legislation Allows Leveraging Regulatory Authorizations for Medical Devices

Brazilian medical device regulator ANVISA has published new legislation allowing manufacturers of higher-risk devices to leverage registrations from some foreign regulatory authorities when applying for market access in Brazil. Background to RDC 741/2022 and September 2023 consultation ANVISA announced RDC 741/2022 (August 10, 2022) to establish a resolution to leverage registrations from foreig..

뉴스 보고서 2024.04.23

[웨비나] Medical device registration pathway and regulatory requirements in the Chinese market

Emergo by UL에서 의료기기의 중국 식약처에 제품등록과 관련하여 웨비나를 개최한다. 웨비나는 영어로 진행되며, 신청 후 교육링크는 개별적으로 따로 보내준다. ▶ 일시: 2023년 10월 24일(화) 오전 9시 CDT (한국시간: 10월 24일 저녁 11시) ▶ 교육시간: 1시간 ▶ 신청링크: Medical Device Registration Pathway and Regulatory Requirements in the Chinese Market | Emergo by UL Medical Device Registration Pathway and Regulatory Requirements in the Chinese Market In this complimentary webinar, our experts ..

Manual on borderline and classification for medical devices under MDR, IVDR (Version. 3)

유럽연합에서 MDR과 IVDR하에서 borderline에 있는 제품의 적용여부와 관련된 문서 개정하여 배포하였다. ▶ 개정일자: 2023년 09월 27일 ▶ Version. 3 ▶ MDR borderlines: medical devices and IVDs medical devices and medicinal products, including advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) medical devices and biocides medical devices and substances of human origin medical devices and cosmetic products medical devices and food medical devices and pe..

유럽 MDR, IVDR 2023.10.04