
mexico 5

[Emergo, UL] Changes to Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations in Mexico: SaMD, UDI and More

Our second post on the new draft of the NOM for Medical Device Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), PROY-NOM-241-SSA1-2024, discusses relevant updates concerning the restructure of content and key changes over the requirements for manufacturers, conditioners, and distributors of medical devices in Mexico. Reorganization of PROY-NOM-241-SSA1-2024This new draft contains several structural changes t..

뉴스 보고서 2024.08.22

[Emergo, UL] Mexico COFEPRIS Revises Draft of Technovigilance Standard

Background on NOM-240-SSA1-2024The regulator in Mexico, COFEPRIS, released on July 24, 2024, a new draft for the NOM for Medical Device Technovigilance, PROY-NOM-240-SSA1-2024. This update follows a trend of recent revisions over Mexican Standards (Emergo reported on PROY-NOM-137-SSA1-2024, Medical Device Labeling). The current version of NOM-240 was published in 2012, so an update was overdue t..

뉴스 보고서 2024.08.19

[Emergo, UL] Mexico COFEPRIS Announces Revised Labeling Standard

This is our fourth update on the recently released draft standard for medical device labeling published by Mexico’s medical device regulator COFEPRIS, NOM-137-SSA1-2024. Background on NOM-137-SSA1-2024COFEPRIS released (March 12) a new draft of the NOM for Medical Device labeling, NOM-137-SSA1-2024. We posted part 2 and part 3, to further clarify the proposed medical device labeling standard. In..
