
article 120 3

[웨비나, Emergo] Regulation EU 2023/607 Frequently FOund Issues

Emergo by UL 에서 MDR 관련하여 최근에 발표한 Regulation (EU) 2023/607과 관련된 내용으로 웨비나를 진행한다. ▶ 일자: 2024년 01월 18일(목) 자정 (0시, CST 기준 오전 9시) ▶ 온라인으로 45분 동안 진행 예정 ▶ 링크 Regulation EU 2023/607 Frequently Found Issues | Emergo by UL Regulation EU 2023/607 Frequently Found Issues In this complimentary webinar, our Emergo by UL subject matter expert will outline the latest insights about Regulation EU 2023/607. www.em..

[EU, MDR] Flowchart to assist in deciding whether or not a device is covered by the extended MDR transitional period

MDR 전환기간 동안 대상제품의 유럽시장 판매, 서비스 가능여부를 판단할 수 있는 흐름도 대상제품: Legacy device, Class III custom-made implantable devices 근거: Article 120 MDR, as ameded by Regulation 2023/607 Flowchart to assist in deciding whether or not a device is covered by the extended MDR transitional period (europa.eu) Flowchart to assist in deciding whether or not a device is covered by the extended MDR transitional period Flowc..

유럽 MDR, IVDR 2023.08.27