
eudamed 13

[CE] The European Proposal to Delay Compliance for Legacy IVDs and EUDAMED Rollout

The European Commission (EC) has made a proposal (COM(2024)43/ 5712/24) to delay compliance of legacy IVD devices and for EUDAMED to be rolled out by modules completed. The proposal would extend the time for manufacturers of legacy IVDs to become compliant with the IVDR. Also, analogous to Regulation (EU) 2023/607, requires an application with a notified body designated for the IVDR and an agree..

유럽 MDR, IVDR 2024.02.26

[CE] Commission proposes to extend transition periods for certain IVDs, gradual roll-out of Eudamed and an information obligation in case of interruption of supply

In 2017, the EU introduced new rules for medical devices and in vitro diagnostics to ensure a better protection of public health and patient safety. Despite considerable progress in transitioning to these rules and the additional time given to the sector to implement them, the transition remains slow. In 2023, the Commission took measures to ensure the availability of medical devices. Today, we ..

유럽 MDR, IVDR 2024.02.01

스위스 의료기기 데이터베이스 (SWISSDAMED)

유럽연합과 스위스와의 협정 (MRA, Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessments)이 만료가 됨 스위스는 유럽연합에서 제3국으로 처리 됨 ('third country') 스위스 자체 의료기기 DB 구축 (유럽연합의 EUDAMED와 유사) 현재는 강제사항 아님 (2023년 08월 기준) DB: swissdamed 예상일정 swissdamed – Swiss Database on Medical Devices (swissmedic.ch) swissdamed – Swiss Database on Medical Devices In April 2022, Swissmedic started design work on the “swissdamed” database. Please note ..

유럽 MDR, IVDR 2023.08.23