
FDA 68

[US, FDA] Webinar – FDA’s Total Product Life Cycle Approach to In Vitro Diagnostic Products (IVDs)

SummaryOn October 24, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will host a webinar for laboratory manufacturers and other interested parties to discuss the FDA’s Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) approach to the oversight of in vitro diagnostic products (IVDs). The FDA’s TPLC approach allows the FDA to review and monitor medical devices throughout their life cycle by taking into account a..

미국 FDA 2024.10.31

[한국의료기기협동조합] 의료기기 해외 인허가 (FDA, CE MDR, MDSAP) 세미나 및 상담회 개최 안내 (광주)

한국의료기기협동조합에서 의료기기 해외인허가 (FDA, CE MDR, MDSAP) 세미나 및 상담회를 개최한다. ▶ 일시: 2024년 11월 05일(화) ~ 06일(수)▶ 장소: 라마다호텔 광주 5층 중연회장 (광주광역시 서구 상무자유로 149▶ 대상: 의료기기 제조업체 종사자 50명▶ 신청방법: 링크 또는 QR코드 이용▶ 세부내용11월 05일(화): FDA, CE MDR, MDSAP 세미나11월 06일(수): 인허가 상담 (기업당 30분 이내)  의료기기 해외 인허가(FDA, CE MDR, MDSAP) 세미나 및 상담회 개최 안내 (광주) – 한국의료기기협동조합 의료기기 해외 인허가(FDA, CE MDR, MDSAP) 세미나 및 상담회 개최 안내 (광주)붙임. 세미나 개최 안내 공문  medinet.or..

[Emergo, UL] Post-market Surveillance Continues to Have Tremendous Interest

Background on post-market surveillance globallyPMS has been a pivotal topic. The European regulations (Medical Devices Regulation (2017/745, MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation (2017/746, IVDR)) officially defined the term PMS (Article 2(60)). In 2019, the U.S. FDA introduced the term Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) as a "holistic” perspective with the FDA throughout the entire lifec..

뉴스 보고서 2024.10.18

[FDA] Endosseous Dental Implants and Endosseous Dental Implant Abutments - Performance Criteria for Safety and Performance Based Pathway

This guidance document provides the FDA’s recommendations on performance criteria to support premarket submissions for endosseous dental implants and abutments in the Safety and Performance Based Pathway. Under this framework, submitters planning to submit a 510(k) using the Safety and Performance Based Pathway for endosseous dental implants and abutments will have the option to use the performa..

미국 FDA 2024.10.18

[Emergo, UL] Third Quarter of 2024: Global Medical Device Regulatory Harmonization Continues with an Emphasis on UDI

We present our insights from the past quarter. Advances in regulatory harmonization, as shared after the first three months and second three months of the year, continue. While it may have been a summer break for many, regulatory developments abound. This update features regulatory harmonization and a number of global developments revolving around Unique Device Identifiers (UDI). Word of the day..

뉴스 보고서 2024.10.16

[Emergo, UL] Determining External Critical Design Attributes when Conducting Threshold Analyses for Combination Product

Overview of Threshold Analyses for Combination ProductsThreshold analyses help determine if differences related to external critical design attributes lead to additional use-related risks to the end user when comparing a proposed generic product to a reference product. The methodology for threshold analyses is described by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) draft guidance document relea..

뉴스 보고서 2024.10.15

[Emergo, UL] U.S. FDA Cites Two Medical Device Test Labs Regarding Data Quality and Integrity Concerns

BackgroundMedical device manufacturers must conduct appropriate testing to demonstrate that their devices are appropriately safe and effective before sale in the US. In many cases some animal and/or microorganism testing, such as to demonstrate biocompatibility, is required to obtain U.S market authorization.In February 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) noted concern that some th..

뉴스 보고서 2024.09.27

[Emergo, UL] US FDA Announces De Novo Final Guidance and eSTAR Implementation Date

We last wrote about the U.S. FDA eSTAR when it became compulsory for 510(k)s. At the time, the eSTAR was voluntary for De Novos. Background on De NovosThe De Novo Classification Request “De Novo” is the regulatory mechanism used when manufacturers have a novel medical device that they expect is not high risk and so should be Class II (special controls and general controls) or Class I (general co..

뉴스 보고서 2024.09.10