
UL 38

[Emergo, UL] FDA Draft Guidance on Predetermined Change Control Plans for Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning-Enabled Medical Devices

In recent years, the FDA has embarked on an ongoing journey to develop a premarket review approach for artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) software modifications. This journey included the Agency’s 2019 discussion paper and request for feedback on the proposed regulatory framework, several workshops to gather inputs from various stakeholders, as well as the Agency’s action plan re..

뉴스 보고서 2024.05.16

[Emergo, UL] Webinar: Medical Device Software and Cybersecurity

Emergo에서 아래와 같이 웨비나를 개최한다.​▶ 주제: Medical Device Software and Cybersecurity▶ 일시: 2024년 05월 14일 CST 10시 (한국시간: 05월 14일 23시)  As medical devices become more and more interconnected — and the applications of medical device software grow exponentially — there is a need to ensure that these devices, when placed on the market, are safe and effective and remain in this state throughout their lifetime. I..

[Emergo, UL] Webinar: Revised IVD Regulation RDC 830/2023

Emergo에서 아래와 같이 웨비나를 개최한다.​▶ 주제: Revised IVD Regulation RDC 830/2023▶ 일시: 2024년 04월 30일 CST 9시 (한국시간: 04월 30일 23시)  The ANVISA – Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária  issued Resolution RDC No. 830/2023, on Dec. 11, 2023. The resolution is intended to help IVD medical device manufacturers determine what information is required in a registration submission. The Resolution outlines a new ..

[Emergo, UL] Hong Kong Regulatory Updates: Additional Leveraged Country Authorizations and a Digital Platform

The Hong Kong (HK) medical device regulatory systemMedical device makers who want to access the Hong Kong market must be aware of the latest regulatory requirements in this special administrative region of China. New developments in Hong Kong’s medical device market include additional leveraged country authorizations and a new digital platform.The HK Medical Device Division (MDD) and the Medic..

뉴스 보고서 2024.05.03

[Emergo, UL] Second Report on the European Clinical Evaluation Consultation Procedure (CECP)

The European Commission (EC) published its second annual overview concerning medical devices subject to the Clinical Evaluation Consultation Procedure (CECP) (Article 54) of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) (EU) 2017/745. This is an update to the first CECP report (April 2021-June 2022). The current report summarizes activities of expert panels to the CECP from July 2022 through June 2023. C..

뉴스 보고서 2024.05.02

[Emergo, UL] Webinar: Conducting a Comparative Analysis in Lieu of HF Validation Testing

Emergo에서 아래와 같이 웨비나를 개최한다.​▶ 주제: Conducting a Comparative Analysis in Lieu of HF Validation Testing▶ 일시: 2024년 05월 09일 EST 10시 (한국시간: 05월 09일 23시)  A common way to conclude whether a product can be used safely and effectively as intended by the intended users in the intended use environment is to conduct a human factors (HF) validation test. However, it might be appropriate and acceptable ..

[Emergo, UL] EU Update: New Guidance on Clinical Investigation Investigators Brochures

What is an investigator’s brochure? The investigator’s brochure (IB) is referenced in the European Medical Devices Regulation (2017/745, MDR). However, those unfamiliar with the term IB will find it defined in Annex XV, Chapter II, Section 2. In the interest of completeness, there is a catch-all expectation in MDR Article 62 on clinical investigations. MDR Article 62(4)(m) states “the requiremen..

뉴스 보고서 2024.05.01

[Emergo, UL] Brazil ANVISA Legislation Allows Leveraging Regulatory Authorizations for Medical Devices

Brazilian medical device regulator ANVISA has published new legislation allowing manufacturers of higher-risk devices to leverage registrations from some foreign regulatory authorities when applying for market access in Brazil. Background to RDC 741/2022 and September 2023 consultation ANVISA announced RDC 741/2022 (August 10, 2022) to establish a resolution to leverage registrations from foreig..

뉴스 보고서 2024.04.23